Farmers & Helpers

'Head of the Herd' jon has been caring for animals and the land at Quarry Farm since he could walk, and has been driving a tractor for nearly as long!
His formal agricultural training began at Lackham agricultural college where he studied the business side of farming. After going out to see what the world could offer which involved working in an office for a local agricultural merchant, then setting up his own business indigocollartags.com selling dog tags, he returned to work full time with his father on the farm in 1993.
He knew he wanted to learn more about the milk his pasture fed cows were producing. After a lot of research and a couple of, Wow, I didn’t know that! moments, he set about his goal to bottle this nutrient rich product with so many health benefits and make it available for people to buy and benefit from as he and his sisters had done whilst growing up.
His dream was realised in May 2017 when Dora’s Dairy’s first customer walked away with a bottle of the white stuff. A new journey had begun.

Sarah the ‘FarmHer’ as she is known on the farm, started life in Purton where she grew up with her father’s Dorset Horn sheep and numerous ponies. The transition back to farming was easy when she moved to Quarry Farm in 2014, buying her first cow in 2016, a Noremead Helena Baxter named Soupy.
Having spent most of her adult working life in a commercial environment, Sarah decided to have a major career change in 2011 and qualified as a firefighter, which she thoroughly enjoyed for five years before returning to farming life. Many of the skills she picked up in training are proving invaluable and she has become a major asset to Quarry Farm.
Sarah’s passion is her animals. her first home grown heifer calf took her Middle name, Dora. who along with soupy are two of the favourites and regularly gets excessive amounts of treats! Whenever Sarah walks around the farm it’s not uncommon to see the dogs, donkeys, cows and calves following in the hope of a stroke or carrots.
She has a passion for RAW milk and is a self professed ‘milk bore', extolling the health benefits at every opportunity.