Quarry Farm

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We are a fourth generation farming family that started when Jonathan's great grandmother, Sarah, began to milk cows with her husband "Gaffer" Gleed in the late 1800s at Park Gate Farm in Purton. His grandfather Stanley, born in 1905, continued to work the farm, milking 12 cows until 1953 when he moved his family and the cows to Quarry Farm. John William Cook (not to be confused with Jonathan Cook) took over the running of the farm after he left school and installed an abreast milking parlour much to the disgust of his father who said “milking machines will never catch on!” He increased the size of the herd and invested in modern equipment to improve the efficiency of the farm. We still use the same parlour today which equates to over 39,400 milkings and 1,577,000 cows milked in the parlour! After many years of working on the farm alongside his dad, Jon picked up the reins when his father became ill in 2011 and sadly passed away in 2012.
we have 60 dairy cows who graze 8 months of the year on the 80 acres at Quarry Farm. The land produces lush grass that gives you the smooth taste you get from our milk. It has always been Jon’s dream to sell the milk that he and his sisters enjoyed whilst growing up. Raw milk is what we are passionate about along with promoting the many health benefits of raw milk.
The cows are a friendly bunch with their own characters and names, some mischievous and some gentle but all happy, loved and well cared for. Nutrition and welfare is a high priority and we use homeopathy and work closely with our vet to keep the girls healthy and to keep the use of antibiotics to a minimum. Our girls stay with us for a long time,
2016 saw the birth of the farm's first replacement heifer called Dora, which is Sarah's middle name. From this point we decided wanted to change the way we farm and started to follow the cow calf pairs system. This means the calves stay with their mums until they are the right age to be weaned. we have a mixed breed herd comprising of Brown Swiss, jersey and fleckvieh producing delicious A2 Raw Milk and ice cream.